Odd Week.

A week of puzzles and contradictions.
waiting on payments owed to me,
Things on hold, till the account fills
yet before me, much to do I see.

A neighbour moving house, offers
Items unsuited to their new home.
Spare TV for games, for the kids
Replaced: the table never liked gone

A three piece suite, nearly new
Broken old sofa out, broken up.
Satisfaction Reclaiming screws
And wood for shelves to put up.

And many other items besides.
But tomorrow I'm under the knife.
I'll take both bus and train rides.
minor surgery, no threat to life.

But strict instructions to put feet up.
Wife to bring snacks and to cook tea.
To bring to my sick bed coffee in a cup
Hmm, Well perhaps, we will have to see.

And hope the creditors pay up at last,
So that the month can run smoothly,
bills get paid, till I'm back on my feet
And if I'm careful perhaps a week early.

And then I can earn more
to keep wolves from the door.


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